Guger – Software re-imagined.

Applications and tools. Secure and reliable.


About me

Daniel Guger

I am a student based in Austria, currently studying my Master's degree in Mechatronics. I have particular interest in automation technologies, robotics and signal processing.

Beside playing trumpet in a local band, I am developing apps for the Android platform in Kotlin. Running, hiking and playing volleyball are my favourite sports.


As a developer, it is a major concern of mine, to keep away from your personal data. If you're interested in which data is collected, and why, please have a look at my privacy notes.

Open Source

Sincerity creates confidence. Open sourcing apps is the best way to accomplish a basis of trust. Together, we are able to create something new. Re-imagine ideas.


Feel free to have a look on my code, submit issues, bring-up new ideas or contribute to my projects. We are looking forward to your pull request!


Sophisticatedly developed applications for Android and more.



Stay on top of your finances.

MoneyBook is an open-source finance manager, inspired by Google's Material Design Study Rally.

- Create transactions and assign them to accounts, to always have an eye on your current balance.
- Get reminded about claims and debts using the reminder feature when entering a due.
- Assign contacts to dues, and send them a reminder message directly within the app.
- Create monthly budgets and organize your expenses. Always have an overview on what's left.